Jumat, 27 Agustus 2010

take a baby step to forget you

My sight is blur, coz my eyes full of tears
Now i can smile, later i will cry
I can strong and tough in front of people,
but i always weak and suffering by myself.
Missing u, is the most unbearable feelin.
Missing ur smile, ur touch, ur kiss.
Learning to accept those thing is not mine anymore.
My heart still bleeding inside..
Feel like im taking a baby step to forget you.
Trying to put my head up, to face the world
To be a better person in the future

Minggu, 22 Agustus 2010

Damn it!!

Damn it!! I never thought this will make me so damn sad!!
Damn it!! I never realized u mean so much for me.
Damn it!! Why we should ended like this
Damn it!! Wish im strong enough to survive

Damn it, Damn it, Damn it!!
I realized i love you so much and i dont wanna lose you!

Sabtu, 21 Agustus 2010

Separuh jiwa ku pergi

Ya.. seperti lagu si Anang waktu di tinggal KD,
separuh jiwa ku pergi
Ini yang aku rasain sekarang..
Rasanya ada yang hilang dalam hidup ku..
Ada ruangan kosong di hatiku.
Bolong, kosong, dan melompong..
gak ada yang bisa gantiin ato nempatin.

Rasanya separuh jiwa ku melayang pergi ntah kemana.
Pengen mati ajarasanya
kadang pikir gak sanggup, kadang mikir harus kuat..

Kenapa harus ada cinta??
kenapa harus ada cinta kalo akhirnya kaya gini?
Bener2 ngerasa separuh jiwa, raga, hidup, hati aku pergi melayang jauh..
Mati segan hidup tak mau.

God please give me strengh and serenity to pass all this problem
coz without ur help, im not even sure i will survive

Selasa, 17 Agustus 2010

undelivered poem

Three years together
not even make me love you less.
I love you more & more
not because you are handsome, tall, smart or different.
I love you, because you are you.
My best boyfriend ever!

We both make mistakes,
coz we just human.
None of those thing change our love
coz our love is stronger than those thing.
I know you are not perfect, so am I,
but I accepeted your with your unperfectness.

I feel blessed and thanked
for every moment that we spent,
coz I have you in my life.
Im courious and excited
to spend the rest of my life with you.
My best boyfriend ever!

Dedicated to someone.
Too bad i cant even hope to spend the rest of my life with you.
I love you